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Mommy's Best Friend Doula Services
What is a Doula?
The word "Doula" means "Woman's Servent" and can also be referred to as Birth Doula, Birth Coach, Labor Coach, Birth Assistant or Labor Assistant.     
A doula is a professional trained to assist a mother who is expecting,
experiencing labor, or has recently given birth by providing emotional,
physical and informational support.
We encourage you, remain objective,
and help your partner and family feel more confident about how to support
you. We also assist you with practical knowledge on comfort measures for
labor, such as massage, aroma and relaxation therapy, suggestions for
positioning and a doula can help you communicate more effectively with
your medical caregivers.
Unlike a Midwife or Doctor, a doula is not
medically responsible. The doula's purpose is to help women have a safe,
memorable and empowering birthing experience.

     Studies have shown that having a doula as a member of the birth team decreases the overall cesarean rate by 50%, the length of labor by 25%, the use of oxytocin by 40% and requests for an epidural by 60%2.

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